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Wedding Questionnaire

I'm so looking forward to your big day! Please answer the following questions as we start to plan your wedding ceremony. Provide as many details as you can so I can create the best experience possible! If you have any questions, please reach out. I will be in touch with you soon for the next steps in planning!

What time is the ceremony starting?
What type of ceremony are you having?
Please select an option below for your wedding vows.
We are saying our own vows.
We are not saying our own vows.
We are unsure and still need more time to decide.
Would you like me to provide the wedding ceremony script or would like to provide one? (We will review together ahead of time the script!)
Yes, please provide a wedding script for us.
No, we will provide a wedding script for you to use.
We are unsure, can you provide us some more information please.
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